Recent News

Wed May 22 2024
On this International Day for Biodiversity, Wednesday 22 May 2024, the Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE) is pleased to share with you its Position Paper on the proposed Green Hydrogen developments in the Tsau ||Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park (TKNP) in Namibia.
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Position Paper on the proposed Green Hydrogen developments in the Tsau ||Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park
Mon Jul 24 2023

The NCE is pleased to announce that it was successful in obtaining funding from the JRS Biodiversity Foundation (Home - JRS Biodiversity Foundation) for a project “Better information for better conservation, restoration and sustainable use - focusing on Namibian near-endemic plants”.

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Mon Jul 17 2023

Any suspicious activity should be reported to the normal Wildlife Crime hotline number by sending an SMS to: 55555.

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Crime report
Mon Jan 16 2023

The GOSCARs - The Grassroots Owen-Smith Community Ranger Awards will be presented annually to top-performing Namibian conservancy game guards, conservancy lion or rhino rangers, fish guards or community resource monitors.

The awards recognise the men and women who work and walk in the field, and are the people the late Garth Owen-Smith would want honoured in his name. There will also be a N$100 000 award for the best conservancy in Namibia! Background information can be found here, and nomination forms below:

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Garth Owen-Smith
Thu Sep 15 2022

For full details, please click here.

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Tue Sep 13 2022

Conservation Status and Red List of the Terrestrial Carnivores of Namibia Book now available.

Published in 2022 by Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism; Large Carnivore Management Association of Namibia; Namibian Chamber of Environment.

Access the book and associated poster free online at:

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Carnivore red data
Tue Oct 05 2021

ReconAfrica’s Seismic “Thumper” Survey Levels Wilderness and Damages Homes in Kavango East.

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Tue Feb 09 2021

The Programme for the Provision of Low-cost Land for Housing was initiated in 2019 by Development Workshop Namibia (DWN) and the Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE), and is fully supported by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD). It is currently assisting 6 local authorities (see details below) in the provision of affordable land for housing, and during 2021 is expected to expand to 15-20 towns across the country.

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The Provision of Low-cost Land for Housing
Tue Feb 09 2021

More than 50% of informal settlement residents in Namibia do not have access to toilets and defecate in riverbeds and other green spaces. More than 45 tonnes of faeces are so deposited openly every single day in Windhoek alone.

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Provision of Low-cost Land for Housing