
There are two categories of membership

(i) full Member, applicable to Namibian registered nongovernmental organisations whose main business, or a significant portion of whose business, comprises active participation in or promotion of Environmental matters; and

(ii) associate Member, applicable to Namibian and permanent resident individuals, and non-Namibian registered non-governmental organisations, whose main business, or a significant portion of whose business, comprises active participation in or promotion of Environmental matters in Namibia.

» see a list of NCE Members and read about our Membership Support Programme Area.

Full members

A. Speiser Environmental Consultants Cc
African Conservation Services Cc
Africat Foundation
Ashby Associates cc
Botanical Society of Namibia
Brown Hyena Research Project Trust Fund
Bwabwata Living Museum
Canyon Nature Trust
Cheetah Conservation Fund
Conservancies Association of Namibia (CANAM)
Desert Lion Conservation Trust
Development Workshop Namibia
Earthlife Namibia
Eco Awards Namibia
Eco-Logic Environmental Management Consulting CC
Elephant Human Relations Aid (EHRA)
Environmental Compliance Consulting
Felines Communication and Conservation Consultants
Giraffe Conservation Foundation
Gobabeb Research and Training Centre
Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation
JARO Consultancy
Kwando Carnivore Project ( Lise Hanssen)
LM Environmental Consulting
Museums Association of Namibia
N/a'an ku sê Foundation
Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust
Namibia Archaeological Trust
Namibia Biomass Industry Group (Incorporated Association not for gain)
Namibia Bird Club
Namibia Nature Foundation
Namibia Professional Hunting Association
Namibia Scientific Society
Namibian Environment and Wildlife Society
Namibian Hydrogeological Association
NamibRand Nature Reserve
NUST Biodiversity Research Centre
Nyae Nyae Development Foundation of Namibia (NNDFN)
Ocean Conservation Namibia
Omba Arts Trust
Ongava Game Reserve/ Research Centre
Orange River-Karoo Conservation Area (ORKCA)
Otjikoto Environmental and Education Trust
Pangolin Conservation and Research Foundation
Progress Namibia TAS cc
ProNamib Nature Reserve
Rare & Endangered Species Trust
Rooikat Trust
Save The Rhino Trust
Scientific Society Swakopmund
Seeis Conservancy
SLR Environmental Consulting
SunCycles Namibia
Sustainable Solutions Trust
Tosco Trust
Twin Hills Trust
Venture Media

Associate members

Ben Strohbach
Black-footed Cat Research Project Namibia
Desert Elephant Conservation ( Laura Brown)
Frank Bockmühl
Herta Kolberg
John Irish
Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
Marietjie Bell
Michael S. Lukubwe
NARREC ( Liz Komen)
Sea Search Research & Conservation - Namibian Dolphin Project
Seabirds and Marine Ecosystems (Jessica Kemper)
Wild Bird Rescue (Sonja Bartlewski)