

NCE Vehicle Booking Form

The NCE has acquired three used 4×4 Toyota Hilux double cab bakkies in good condition thanks to a generous donation from B2Gold Namibia. The vehicles are for the non-commercial use of NCE Members on short to medium term loan, for environmental, conservation and research work. To book a vehicle, please complete this form and send it to Henriette at as early as possible, but at least 2 weeks prior to the date of use. The vehicles are available on a first-come first-served basis. Guidance on general conditions, costs and usage is provided at the end of this Form.


NCE Triennial Report 2017-2019

The NCE Triennial Report (covering 2016-17 to 2018-19) has now been published. As well as reports from the Chairman and CEO, it provides an overview of objectives, membership support, policy research and many other aspects of NCE’s work.


NCE Bursary Fund Application Form

The Namibian Chamber of Environment has a small bursary fund to assist individuals who wish to further their studies in the fields of conservation, environment and sustainable development, mainly at the level of master’s degree or equivalent.

Interested applicants should complete and submit an application form, which can be downloaded below.


Cessna Aircraft Booking Form & Pilot Insurance Questionnaire

A four-seater Cessna C182 aircraft, registration V5-IIM, is available to the Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE) and its Members. The aircraft is dedicated to wildlife and environmental protection, conservation and related monitoring and research work of a non-commercial nature.

If you wish to use the aircraft please complete the attached form and send it to Henriette at as early as possible, but at least 2 weeks prior to the date you need to fly. Bookings will be made on a first-come-first-served basis. In cases of emergency (e.g. anti-poaching work) we will do our best to help at short notice.

Download the Booking Form and Pilot Insurance Questionnaire below.


Brochure on the NCE

The Namibian Chamber of Environment is a nongovernmental membership-based organisation, established as a voluntary association and body corporate separate from its Members under Namibian Common Law. This document sets out its objectives, values, programme areas, membership and organisational structure.


NCE Membership policy and categories

This document sets out the Membership categories of the Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE). The Constitution of the NCE defines ‘Member’ as “any natural person, legal entity or other association of persons capable of acquiring rights and obligations, admitted to membership of the Chamber in terms of article 8, and the term ‘Membership’ has a corresponding meaning” (clause 1.1.9).


Constitution of the NCE

The Constitution of the Namibian Chamber of Environment describes the legal status, objects and core values, powers, affilliations, membership, council, executive committee, administrative structures and more.

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